What is VOdds KYC verification?
We require verification in such cases as withdrawal, bonus crediting, transferring funds from account etc. To pass verification, the VOdds user must provide a clear photocopy or PDF file of the following documents:
1. Passport/front and back side of passport/ID Card/front and back side of Driver’s License* (with expiry date stated). Please note that any document sent must have all the edges clearly visible.
2. A clear picture or a PDF file attachment of the most recent, full size proof of residence document for the period of last 3 (three) months, showing your full name and residential address stated during the registration of the account. (Kindly note that to process a withdrawal we will require the proof of residence on file to be dated within the last 3 months, otherwise we will be requesting an updated document) Acceptable documentation: Bank or Credit card statement (transactions and other sensitive details may be covered), utility bills such as electricity/gas/water/ TV/Internet bills, official government taxes or proof of residence from local municipality or the Police. Kindly note that we do not accept mobile phone bills as a proof of residency nor screenshots or images printed directly from webpage.
You may upload the files in your personal profile.
There you will also see the detailed requirements.
After that, if all the documents are fine, you will receive confirmation email concerning your verification. If some documents are not satisfactory, we will inform your via email as well.